Praise for the previous
"...well researched...concise..." —American Reference Books Annual
The history of Russia, the world's largest nation-from its early beginnings in the ninth century when Rurik, a Varangian king, established the first Russian state near Kiev, to the current presidency of Vladimir Putin-is extensive and fascinating.
Detailing the social, economic, and political changes and crises that the people of Russia have had to endure, A Brief History of Russia, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive and accessible account of this vast country's history. Documents, a list of rulers, a chronology, and other helpful features enrich this invaluable book.
Coverage includes:
- The conquest and rule of Russia by the Mongol Golden Horde
- The reign of terror by Ivan the Terrible
- The start of modernization under Peter the Great
- The rise to the center of European power under Catherine the Great
- The Russian Revolution and the emergence of the superpower Soviet Union
- The disintegration of the Soviet Union
- Vladimir Putin's terms as president and his plans for the country's future
- Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Full-color photographs, illustrations, and maps. Documents. Bibliography. Suggested reading. Rulers of Russia. Chronology. Sidebars.