Home Books Living in the Middle Ages

Living in the Middle Ages
  • Authored by: Norman Bancroft Hunt
  • From the Series: Living in the Ancient World
  • Trim Size: 8-1/2 x 11
  • ISBN-10: 0816063419
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6341-3
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $49.95
  • Imprint: Chelsea House
  • Published: 11/01/2008
  • Dewey Number: 909
  • Reading Level: Grades 6-12
  • Pages: 96


Living in the Middle Ages covers the period from 800 CE to 1500 CE, focusing on two epochs set in 1100 CE and 1450 CE. It examines the day-to-day lives of medieval Europeans across all levels of pre-Norman and feudal society, from barons and bishops to serfs. The feudal system is explained, as well as the various jobs and relationships of people from different classes. A description of the basic structure of a typical castle is provided, in addition to details of its maintenance and management. The growth of the town and the rise of the middle class are also discussed, as well as the social developments that accompanied both.

With timelines, maps, detailed photography, and full-color illustrations, Living in the Middle Ages is an engaging reference for young adults that brings the ancient world to life.

Chapters include:

  • Working for the Overlord—the Peasant
  • Life in the Castle
  • The Power of the Church
  • Life in a Medieval Town.


Full-color photographs and illustrations. Maps. Glossary. Cross-references. Timeline. Index.

About the Author(s)

Series consultant editor Norman Bancroft Hunt worked as a designer/illustrator and author in England, Germany, and the United States, where he specialized in the study of Native American cultures. Among his many publications are the award-winning People of the Totem and Warriors, as well as the 10-volume Encyclopedia of Native America. A doctor of historical and theoretical studies and a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Bancroft Hunt lectured on visual theory and was also a consultant for major international publishers and European museums.

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