Home Books Marine Science

Marine Science
  • Authored by: Christina Reed
  • From the Series: Twentieth-Century Science
  • Trim Size: 7-3/8 x 9-1/4
  • ISBN-10: 0816055343
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-5534-0
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $49.50
  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Published: 03/01/2009
  • Dewey Number: 551
  • Reading Level: Grades 6-12
  • Pages: 320


The field of marine science began when the first human species walked out of the African savannah and came across a huge body of water. These humans primarily dominated the landmasses, and the question of water travel emerged as they evolved and started looking for alternate means of exploration. For eons, the deep, dark ocean remained a mystery, but during the 20th century, scientists began exploring the marine environment as never before.

Marine Science: Decade by Decade documents the history of this science throughout the 20th century. From Swedish hydrographer Otto Pettersson and the establishment of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea to Wallace Broecker’s breakthrough understanding of the oceanic conveyor belt, this volume highlights the progression of this fascinating science. This useful resource is enhanced with more than 90 black-and-white photographs and line illustrations, an index, chronologies, sidebars, a glossary, and further reading.


Black-and-white photographs and line illustrations. Index. Appendixes. Bibliography. Glossary. Further reading. Cross-references. Sidebars. Web sites.

About the Author(s)

Christina Reed is a freelance science journalist whose clients include Scientific American, New Scientist, and the Discovery Science Channel. She holds dual master's degrees from Columbia University in Earth science and journalism and a bachelor's degree in oceanography from the University of Washington in Seattle. Reed also worked as the science coordinator for the 3D IMAX movie Aliens of the Deep, venturing more than 3,000 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in the Russian Mir submersible. She is also the author of Earth Science in the Twentieth-Century Science set.

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