Home Books Physics

  • Authored by: Alfred B. Bortz, Ph.D.
  • From the Series: Twentieth-Century Science
  • Trim Size: 7-3/8 x 9-1/4
  • ISBN-10: 0816055327
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-5532-6
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $49.50
  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Published: 06/01/2007
  • Dewey Number: 530
  • Reading Level: Grades 6-12
  • Pages: 288


The 20th century marked a time in physics that raised more questions than answers. Although physicists expected to spend this century refining their previous theories and making the critical measurements needed to complete the tapestry of their science, the 20th century was spent redefining almost everything people thought they understood about matter and energy, space and time, and waves and particles.

Documenting the exciting depth of this field, Physics: Decade by Decade explores the progression of this science as it developed throughout the 20th century. Readers will see separate threads of physics developing and coming together in surprising ways—and realize the value of adopting a physicist’s way of approaching the universe and thinking in terms of unification.


Black-and-white photographs and line illustrations. Index. Appendixes: Nobel Prize winners. Bibliography. Glossary. Cross-references. Further reading. Chronologies. Periodic Table of the Elements. Sidebars. Web sites.

About the Author(s)

Alfred B. Bortz, Ph.D., studied theoretical and computational condensed matter physics at Carnegie Mellon University in 1971, and has worked on a broad range of industrial and academic projects related to nuclear reactors, automotive engine control, microcomputer applications, magnetic data storage, and pre-college/undergraduate science education. A full-time science writer, he is the author of 15 books for young readers, including Techno-Matter: The Materials Behind the Marvels, which won the 2002 American Institute of Physics Science Writing award.

Reviews and Awards

"...an easy-to-use, -read, and -understand source on how the science of physics developed through the past 100 years and its possible direction for the future...well organized…very useful..."
American Reference Books Annual

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